California Minimum Wage A Historic Journey

Fred Federal Reserve Bank Of St Louis

California Minimum Wage: A Historic Journey

Pioneering Advocacy for Workers' Rights

For nearly three decades, California has been at the forefront of the fight for workers' rights and economic justice. The state's unwavering commitment to fair compensation has resulted in a steady rise in the minimum wage, ensuring that workers have a decent standard of living.

This ongoing journey began in 1976 when California voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 1, establishing a minimum wage of $2.65 per hour. Since then, the state has continuously increased the minimum wage, recognizing the rising cost of living and the need to support low-income workers and their families.

A Decade of Steady Increase

In 2016, California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation incrementally increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2023 for employers with 26 or more employees. The state has remained steadfast in this gradual approach, believing it allows businesses to adjust while providing a meaningful wage increase for workers.

Today, California's minimum wage stands at $15.50 per hour, one of the highest in the nation. This historic milestone reflects the state's unwavering commitment to ensuring economic fairness and equality for all its citizens.

Kingsley And Kingsley

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