Connor Douglas Gilliland

WEB Smart and Connor Douglas: A Mother and Son's Journey


WEB Smart, renowned for her exceptional acting abilities, is also a devoted mother to her son, Connor Douglas. Their journey together has been filled with love, laughter, and unwavering support.

Connor Douglas: A Celebrity Child

Connor Douglas Gilliland has gained fame as the son of the late Richard Gilliland and Jean Smart, both notable actors. Despite his young age, he has already made a mark on the entertainment industry, appearing alongside his mother in several productions.

WEB Smart's Motherhood Journey

WEB Smart embraced motherhood with open arms two years after her marriage. The arrival of Connor Douglas brought immense joy to her life. As a working mother, she has skillfully balanced her career and motherhood, instilling strong values in her son.

Richard Gilliland: A Mentor and Father Figure

Richard Gilliland, WEB Smart's late husband, was not only a talented actor but also a loving father to Connor Douglas. He served as a constant source of encouragement and guidance, instilling in him a love for the arts and a strong work ethic.

Connor Douglas's Legacy

Connor Douglas's presence in WEB Smart's life has not only enriched her personal journey but has also inspired her work. Her portrayal of maternal roles has gained widespread recognition, earning her numerous awards, including an Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series.


WEB Smart and Connor Douglas's bond is a testament to the strength of family and the enduring power of motherhood. Their story serves as an inspiration to countless mothers and sons, demonstrating the boundless love and support that can exist between them.

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