How To Make _ In Little Alchemy

Little Alchemy: How to Make Everything

The Ultimate Guide to Creating the Universe

Craft Your Own Elements

Little Alchemy is a captivating puzzle game where you combine elements to create new ones. With a limited initial set of materials, the possibilities seem endless. To help you on your alchemical journey, here is a comprehensive guide to making everything in the game.

Cheat Recipes

For those who want to skip the puzzle-solving, here are cheat recipes to create all the elements:

  • Air + Air = Wind
  • Water + Water = Steam
  • Fire + Fire = Lava
  • Earth + Earth = Stone

A Universe at Your Fingertips

With these recipes, you can embark on a journey to create the universe from scratch. Start with the basic elements and work your way up to complex compounds and even mythical creatures. Little Alchemy challenges you to think creatively and experiment with different combinations to discover all the wonders that await.


As you delve deeper into Little Alchemy, you'll not only learn the secrets of creation but also cultivate a sense of wonder and imagination. This enthralling game empowers you to experiment, innovate, and create a world that is uniquely yours. So embrace your inner alchemist and unleash the possibilities hidden within the elements.

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